Generative AI, Unlock Global Insights at Scale

Genie helps you spend less time on the labor-intensive parts of qualitative research and makes your whole team look like geniuses – working smarter, better, and faster.

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Genie is the Qual Research Game Changer

Embrace the new AI-driven era of market research and unlock next gen insights with Genie.

Genie Road

Areas of biggest value include:

Create reports that drive global decisions faster

Find and screen target audiences more efficiently

Maximize engagement to collect more in-depth feedback

Create reports that drive decisions faster

Spend less time analyzing your findings and more time delivering impactful insights. With Genie, turn around insights instantly so you can make faster decisions. With a generative AI assistant, you can:

  • Summarize live and asynchronous research
  • Highlight project-level themes & quotes
  • Find quotes & summaries to a specific question
  • Suggest or auto-magically create highlight reels

Find and screen target audiences more efficiently

Finding the right respondents can be time-consuming and complex. In the future, Genie will be able to help you get started so you can shorten your setup time with the ability to:

  • Develop personas
  • Identify segments
  • Create screeners
  • Follow up on pre-work
Genie screener
Genie AI Assist Graphic

Maximize engagement to collect more in-depth feedback

Turn anyone into a qualitative expert. To scale qualitative research, you need an assistant who allows you to seamlessly collect in-depth feedback from your target audience. In the future, Genie will:

  • Improve discussion guides
  • Generate asynchronous activities
  • Save key moments
  • Improve moderation skills

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use Genie?

Get early access to Genie on any Discuss project. When early access closes (Fall 2023), Genie will be available as an add-on to your current subscription. 

Where can I use Genie?

Genie will be available across your research process. Today you can use her to summarize your feedback — helping you streamline your reporting.

Will my data be kept private?

Genie is leveraging an API connection with OpenAI that is secure and private and only references the data for your specific project. 

Ready to Get Started?

Talk with a product expert to learn how Discuss can help you reach your insights goals.
