Azure coasts, bleached sands, and the dull roar of dozens of languages epitomize Cannes. Aside from being one of France’s top tourist destinations, and for good reason, the city is also well regarded for hosting some of the most renowned conventions in the world. Among the longest running festivals within Cannes, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity attracts top advertisers from across the world.
Technology is factoring more and more within the world of advertising and marketing. Improvements to targeting are particularly popular, enabling marketers to better modify approach, message, and appeal. The new prominence of marketing technology has unto itself led to the Innovation Lions, a “festival within a festival” that features the biggest brands, minds, and startups around. Here, proven organizations and other players showcase their contributions to the marketing industry as whole.
As mentioned last week, we are attending the event as one of Unilever’s Foundry50. The top 50 of some 3000 marketing-tech startups vetted by the organization, the Foundry50 ranks at the top within a number of criteria, including innovation and sustainability. Each of the organization’s top 50 is presenting their vision to the floor, as well meeting with prospective investors and clients.
The Innovation Lions is all about discourse and presentation, and the Foundry50’s involvement epitomizes this event. founder Zach Simmons and Tim Taylor, Vice President of Business Development, are promoting the platform to a slew of marketers, thinkers, and ad agencies.
Detail and flexibility are integral to qualitative research. Until recently, such elements were unfeasible via the internet and its capabilities. Content and product development, meanwhile, has perpetually become faster in the past decade, often leading management to completely forego qualitative assessments and investigations. Bad idea, since the approach is integral to finding the best market fit for media content or products. Client by client and feature by feature, is bringing new tools and methodology to the method. Of course, we also seek to preserve the essential strengths that qualitative research offers development. Real-time, consistent, and incredibly efficient, our platform enables researchers from across the world to sample, interview, and investigate over 20 million participants within three continents.
Our prospective clients are just as impressed. Presenting to each of them is a joy, as is mingling with the larger crowd. Our platform is reeling in a huge amount of interest, and for a number of reasons at that.
Fastest Results in the Industry
The only qualitative research company offering results within 48 hours, offers a world of difference to its present and prospective clients. Qualitative research typically takes months to organize and execute, and analysis can extend such time indefinitely. Results within two days is unheard of, but definitely not superfluous to the current needs of product and content development teams. After all, market expectation is driving dev to create products at faster and faster rates. Qualitative methods, meanwhile, are vital for directing how these products take shape and adjust. Products or content better suited to their targets significantly increases the chances of a successful reception.
Huge Pool of Participants
If the internet has one thing, it’s millions and millions of users. enables researchers to tap into targets that are otherwise inaccessible. Vital for a cohesive understand of products or content, such diversity completely expands each project’s potential depth and breadth. Geography ceases to be an obstacle, perhaps the biggest strength to the variety that our platform offers.
Superior Technology
Catching micro expressions and other details is what qualitative research is all about. Until recently, however, qualitative researchers were limited to doing so in real life. Bandwidth and video quality were both limited, leading to less than stellar resolutions. Through hard work and no little bit of innovation, however, is the first qualitative platform to offer HD-quality, real time footage. Additionally, it includes important tools like auto-synchronized transcripts with keyword search, enabling researchers to quickly, easily locate the exact clips they want.
Streamlined, No-nonsense Scheduling
Qualitative research typically requires weeks, if not months, of scheduling. Travel, accommodations, facilities, temp hires, and a slew of other factors all contribute to the general hassle of planning a qualitative project. simplifies the entire process without limiting researchers’ ability to select participants, interview times, or other elements important for the interview process.