In the USA, where I’m based, we’re preparing for the upcoming 4th of July holiday weekend. Many organizations will be off on Monday and some have even elected to take off the whole week. While many of our US-based customers will be out of the office, does that mean that business will come to a halt globally? By no means…
We connect people from all around the world face-to-face, online. As a result, geographical barriers have less and less impact on what we do (culture, on the other hand, holds an immense importance). Our customers are engaging in conversations with consumers around the world every hour during the day. Our global team works around the clock, 24/7, so that every conversation that we enable is able to be conducted at peak performance. Our team is scattered all over the world, in different timezones, enabling us to have a network of talent that’s always online, ready to support our customers. When I step away for this holiday weekend, that does not mean that brands are going to stop engaging in conversations with consumers. The sun never sets on
In fact, it doesn’t even mean that business as usual is going to come to a screeching halt at While our US team will be enjoying bar-b-que and fireworks with family and friends, the majority of our team is going to be supporting us while we take a break from work (Thank you, team!). They’ll still be online, hard at work doing what we do best: helping brands engage in conversation with consumers around the world. We encourage you to rest & recharge, but know that we’re here to help you this holiday weekend – and thereafter, too!
Start a conversation with us to learn how you can engage with consumers all over the globe.