Rolling out consumer closeness at Telenet

Just this past week in Amsterdam, Co-Founder and VP of Research Solutions, Jim Longo was on stage at the Unleashing Innovation in Market Research and Insights conference with Caroline Verkest, Senior Market Researcher at Telenet. Telenet is Belgium’s leading provider of converged connected entertainment and business solutions.

Like many others in the industry, Caroline is part of a small team of market researchers. Her team has three people, while the marketing department that they support has about 150 people. Her team understood their consumers well but were having trouble transmitting that knowledge to the marketers. She knew that in order to create a truly consumer-centric organization and build consumer empathy throughout the marketing team, she’d have to enable the marketers to speak directly with consumers. She started looking for help and found in the Harvard Business Review. With, she was able to launch a consumer connects program, enabling the marketers to speak directly with consumers on a regular basis. Caroline spoke about the successes of this program on stage, stating “when you understand and feel with your consumer, it inspires you to develop better products.”

To learn more, read our case study about how enabled Telenet’s marketing team to be more consumer-centric.

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